Over the last few months I have noticed our Jilly-bean's speech is a little off track.
Don't get me wrong, she knows every word in the Webster's dictionary (and more, LOL) but her pronunciation is usually incorrect. She says F's for S, V's for B and so on, as for Mommy and family we understand everything that's being said but that's not so for the general public, they might get 80%. It has been difficult for me to access because Jennifer talked clearly since the day she uttered her first word, so following my Mommy instinct I made an appointment for her.
The appointment lasted 75 minutes, it was through Tyke Talk, a free service we have in our area. Well my instincts proved correct, she needs some intervention, she is not far off the track but definitely needs some assistance.
Tyke Talk put us on a list for free(yes, free) speech therapy but the wait time is 6 months!!!!, this will put us into September before we are seen, Jill will be in school and then the board of Ed will intervene and she will be seen through them!!
Not wanting for my Jilly to fall behind and have any disadvantages starting JK, I have decided to call Superman's benefits through his employer. We have incredible coverage,but to my surprise we are only covered for $500.00!!! a year for any kind of therapy(physical, speech, chiro).
Wow, I was blown out of the water, we will go through this very quickly with a private speech therapist, but I feel we have no choice to start her off immediately.
So we are going to call some to see how quickly we can get her into to see someone and start eating up the $500, then it's out of our pockets until she gets to be seen through the education system(then we will probably still need to have some private intervention, we'll see).
It's my hope that Jillian will only need a few months of therapy and be back on track for the start of school in September.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
A little off track.
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My son needs some tutoring and that is $$$ too....I hear you...
What we won't do for our little ones!!!
Sadly a lot of parents live in denial...............
Well I'm glad to hear she'll be getting the help she needs, sorry it will hurt your pocket though! That's the kind of stuff that scares the crud out of me, all those unforeseen expenses. Makes me wish so badly I had a 2 person income!
Hope all goes well... tkae care
Best of luck and I am positive that she will be back on track soon!
Keep smilin!
We are so lucky to have these things to help.
Cat & Bennett are on the same track, if it makes you feel any better...
Hopefully the private therapist could give you alot of how to for home and there are alot of sources on the internet as well.
Sorry there was a wait :(
I hear you on both counts...I'm pretty sure Lily needs some "intervention" and we do NOT have the funds for private therapy. Thankfully, her preschool has a speech therapist that will test her in the fall and if she feels she needs help, she will get help for FREE!
Good luck with Jilly...things have a way of working out.
The important thing is that she gets the help she needs. It just sucks it has to cost so much.
Hey you... this is what I'm seeing when I log onto your site.... Is anyone else?
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My brother is a Speech Path in the GTA. Let me know if you need any help or advice.
Good for you for trusting your instincts!
Sometimes it sucks being right. We are still fighting the system here with Kieren's speech. I'm glad you have such a great service, but the wait bites!!! Hang in there, sweetie!
You are a good mama for taking care of this now. I also have a feeling that we are going to have to do some speech therapy with Sofia down the road. Sorry to hear that the insurance coverage does not cover more and that the free services wait list was so long.
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